• What’s the expiration date of 3H window and door hardware accessories

    • source: 3H;
    • Time: 2017-11-17
  •  In our opinion, exporation date is a way to measure a product’s bad or good. So we usually ask about the exporation date when we buy something. And this is a problem which perplexed our sales all the time. How long is the expiration date of your floor springs? How long is the expiration date of your door closer? How long is the expiration of your window and door hardware accessories? So let me show you the expiration date of window and door hardware accessories today.


    In fact, Floor springs, door closer and many window and door hardware accessories don’t have expiration date, because they are machanical loss products, so the using time decides the expiration date and the quality standard depends on the operating time. Such as floor springs, its pass times is 500000, the door closer is the same, but in the new national standard, its pass times is 2000000. All the products of 3H- a professional window handle upvc have passed the national standard.
      Someone asks, why other factories can give us an expiration date? And this is a way of theis selling, because they want to meet the needs of customers, so they usually say the exporation date is about 3 years, but if a floor spring, its life is 500000 times, one day uses it 100 times, so we can use it about 13 years. So that we can tell our customers our products’expiration date is 13 years?
      But as a company which has duty and undertake, we don’t want to do the things which heart customers, so we always tell the customers about expiration date. 

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